Test Number Seven: 2 Peter 1:20
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
A true prophet does not give his own interpretation of scripture. Every prophecy he or she proclaims will agree with already established truth. If they receive new light, it must agree with the old light God has already given.
Test Number Eight: 2 Peter 1:21
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
So, a true prophet prophesies in the name of the Lord, not in his own name. A true prophet will manifest the fruits of that same spirit because he or she speaks through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. All glory and honor will be acclaimed to God who is the source of the Prophecy, God and God alone, will determine when a prophecy should be given and why, He God is the initiator and source of the prophecy not the prophet..
Test Number Nine: 1 Corinthians 14:3
"But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort."
In other words, a true prophet gives direction to God's true church. Ehesians tells us there is only One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism, meaning there is only one true Church Officially recognised by God, Prophets will be raise to Edify, Exhort and Comfort God's one and only true Chuhrch, whichever it is period. And a true prophet's messages will cover all of these three areas: Edification, which means to rebuke sin and wrong doing, to instruct morally; Exhortation -- this means to strongly advise; and Comfort -- to soothe in distress or sorrow, to console. When was the last time your favourite prophet rebuked sin and pointed people to live right?? All of these three things will be exemplified by a true prophet.
Test Number Ten: Isaiah 8:19-20
"And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."
God gives a clear distinction between false prophets and true prophets here -- between the works of hellish darkness, and the works of heavenly light.
How could it be any plainer? God says, "To the law," what's the law? It is the ten commandment law of God, " . . . and to the testimony . . ." What's the testimony? The "testimony" is the rest of scripture. " . . . If they speak not according to this word [the 10 commandments and the Bible], it is because they have no light in them." Friend, that's not what I say, it's what God says. That means a true messenger of God will keep all of God's ten commandments. Its Peter who wrote and said "All Scripture is inspired and important for doctrine" Well, did you know that when Peter wrote those inspired word, only the old testament part of the Bible was reffered to as Scripture? So, for any prophet to speak according to this word they must uplift both the Old and New Testament Potions of the Bible without making each part less significant in their ministry and this is where all the named prophets all fall short.
What is Special about the Ten Commandments that God could take time to include it a s a point of testing true and false prophets?? Look at it this way, if you lived in a Nation ruled by a King, and on a particular Day the King asked that everyone assemble as He will be giving an instruction. The day comes and everyone sits down and the King appears to give a list of Instruction spoken directly by him. Do you think the day the King thinks the list of instructions he gave were not necccesary any more, he will just keep quite about it without asking for a simular assembly? I dont think so, actually I dont think the King can personnally announce the instructions only to change his mind years down the line.. Did you know that the Ten Commandments were not first written by God, But He Spoke them out in Person. I will be preaching a Sermon titled "When God Addressed a press briefing" Malachi 3:10 tell us God never changes, and Isaiah says, God Knows the future before it comes. It is very unlogical for God to stand on the Mount and Speakk out the Commandments while knowing one day He will have to make them void. Read Exodus 19 and 20 and review how sacred the event was. Any Prophet who does not accept this simple Bibilcal fact fails to satisfy this test and is definately not of God.
Ill be presenting a detailed study on this blog covering first the legitimacy of the Law of God, why it can never be changed. Be sure to check that one out.
The next two more tests will prove beyond resonable doubt, that most of the so called men of God busy giving prophecies on behalf on God, arfe actually not called or known by God, they have just stolen a job description from Christianity but are all messengers of the enemy of our Souls, Satan himself.
Please bookmark this blog and share it with your friends world over. Be blessed as you wait for part 3.
What is Special about the Ten Commandments that God could take time to include it a s a point of testing true and false prophets?? Look at it this way, if you lived in a Nation ruled by a King, and on a particular Day the King asked that everyone assemble as He will be giving an instruction. The day comes and everyone sits down and the King appears to give a list of Instruction spoken directly by him. Do you think the day the King thinks the list of instructions he gave were not necccesary any more, he will just keep quite about it without asking for a simular assembly? I dont think so, actually I dont think the King can personnally announce the instructions only to change his mind years down the line.. Did you know that the Ten Commandments were not first written by God, But He Spoke them out in Person. I will be preaching a Sermon titled "When God Addressed a press briefing" Malachi 3:10 tell us God never changes, and Isaiah says, God Knows the future before it comes. It is very unlogical for God to stand on the Mount and Speakk out the Commandments while knowing one day He will have to make them void. Read Exodus 19 and 20 and review how sacred the event was. Any Prophet who does not accept this simple Bibilcal fact fails to satisfy this test and is definately not of God.
Ill be presenting a detailed study on this blog covering first the legitimacy of the Law of God, why it can never be changed. Be sure to check that one out.
The next two more tests will prove beyond resonable doubt, that most of the so called men of God busy giving prophecies on behalf on God, arfe actually not called or known by God, they have just stolen a job description from Christianity but are all messengers of the enemy of our Souls, Satan himself.
Please bookmark this blog and share it with your friends world over. Be blessed as you wait for part 3.